In Math, we tutor students individually (1-on-1) or in small groups. 1-on-1 tutoring is completely individualized to meet the needs of each student, however we also keep our group classes small so students can get more individual attention than they get in school.
We offer almost all levels of math tutoring, including all common core math from 5th grade to AP Calculus BC. We can also provide assistance with college-level math on a case-by-case basis. Our goals include helping students solidify their math foundations with in-depth conceptual understanding, and making sure that students can maintain excellent school grades.
Students may also choose to take an assessment test before joining a class to determine which tutoring option is the most appropriate for students.
*We can also provide tutoring for online courses and we are registered proctors for many online programs, including BYU and Stanford Online. Please contact us for additional information.*