Summit Tutoring offers group and one-on-one preparation for students looking to advance through math in middle school and/or high school.

This page is for students currently taking CCM 6 or CCM 7 (Common Core Math) in school and is looking for math advancement for the next level. Please contact your student’s school to confirm their options before you sign up for any classes!

7th or 8th CCM Test Prep (San Ramon):

Though there is no longer an exam that current CCM 6 and CCM 7 San Ramon students take to determine math placement, they have the opportunity to “Bridge” a math level during the summer (CCM 6 can take CCM 8 the following year and CCM 7 to Algebra 1). Traditionally, students had to take both an online and in-person summer Bridge Program course and do well in both to successfully pass, however in the previous year, it was online only due to the pandemic. More info here.

Students will learn the new concepts with us starting in August so that when they get to the actual Bridge, the class will be much easier and their foundations will be more solid. In addition to concepts, please remember that speed and accuracy is also extremely important, so it is vital that students get more practice over a period of time. 

Please see our schedule and feel free to contact us for additional details: (925) 251-9888

7th or 8th CCM Test Prep (Pleasanton)

Students will typically take a Placement Exam at the end of each year that determines which math class they will be placed into next year. Pleasanton does NOT typically allow students to “skip” math levels in middle school. They will only place them in an appropriate “accelerated” math class. You can find more information here

Even though Pleasanton does not typically test above a student’s current grade level (unlike San Ramon and Dublin), there is plenty of overlap between CCM6/7/8 math, so they will be covering similar concepts, and since they will be placed into accelerated math if they pass, this will help student’s prepare for that faster math class early. 

Please see our schedule and feel free to contact us for additional details: (925) 251-9888

7th or 8th CCM Test Prep (Dublin)

Updated: March 2021

Dublin provides students a placement exam for middle school math students to help determine what level of math they will be placed in next year. Typically, students are tested on the level of math that they are attempting to skip, so students must learn ahead to pass the exam. More exam information can be found here. Middle school math pathway information can be found here

Students will learn the new concepts with us starting in August so that when they get to the actual exam, they can score higher and their foundations will be more solid. In addition to concepts, please remember that speed and accuracy is also extremely important, so it is vital that students get more practice over a period of time. 

Please see our schedule and feel free to contact us for additional details: (925) 251-9888


Disclaimers: Summit Tutoring make no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information posted on this website. The information presented herein is provided based on Summit Tutoring’s knowledge at the time and is to be used as reference only. Your student’s school can and will change their policies at any time without prior warning.

STC will attempt to keep this website updated, but cannot guarantee its accuracy. It is good practice to actively verify the accuracy of any information posted on this site.

It is good practice to periodically check your student’s school’s website for any changes, and to check with your student’s school before signing up for any advancement courses.

Unfortunately, STC does not provide school credit.
